Journal of Self


Empty your mind of all thoughts. Let your heart be at peace. Watch the turmoil of beings, but contemplate their return . Each separate being in the universe return to the common source. Returning to the source is serenity. If you don’t realize the source, you stumble in confusion and sorrow. When you realize where […]

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There is a time of being ahead, a time for being behind; a time for being in motion, a time for being at rest; a time for being vigorous, a time for being exhausted; a time for being safe, a time for being in danger. The Master sees things as they are, without trying to

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Morning Run

I have been staying with Poppy and Kevin at their house in California for one month and 4 days. This is really not what we all had thought or planned. But we realized the opportunity of doing business together, then that is how things go right now. I’m not going to lie… I do miss

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Nomad or No longer being mad life style, as someone has said it to me, is a good way to describe me at this part of my life. I have learned for the past 6 months that life is truly joyful when I set no expectations, no comparison, no competition, and no destination. Most of

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The Master stay behind; that is why she is ahead. She detached from all things; that is why she is one with them. Because she has let go of herself, she is perfectly fulfilled. – Tao te ching #7 Translated by Stephen Mitchell After reading this passage, I reflect… What am I thankful for? To

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I have just three things to teach: simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are your greatest treasures. Simple in action and in thoughts, you return to the source of being. Patient with both friends and enemies, you accord with the way things are. Compassionate toward yourself, you reconcile all beings in the world. – Tao te

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When my mind stopped judging or complaining, life became so peaceful… Many things in life become so meaningful… not in terms of meaning or concept, but more of the heartfelt feeling: the feeling of gratefulness and thankfulness. Tears came to my eyes only when watching the beauty in nature, and animals. It was the tears

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Successful Struggle

After work today, I went for a little sightseeing and a hike at Joshua Tree National Park. During a hike at Barker Dam, I spotted a sign that reminded me some true facts with my own life. I have leaned that only when I have been put through some struggle. That struggle actually helped me

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What do I know?

I have no idea where life will take me anymore… Is it a bad thing? No… I don’t think so. And to be honest, I think I never ever know where life will take me anyway. All I know is to just go with it. Accept everything that happens to me as if I have

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Give it forward

Staying at the last 2 Harvest Host ranches in Arizona has taught me that there are still people that are truly kind and willing to give it forward without asking for anything. I had to admit that I was being super sceptical that someone would allow me, a total stranger, to be parking in there

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Cloud and sky

Does the sky get frustrated when there are so much clouds out in the sky? No… it just lets them be. Does the sky get annoyed when there is rain and thunderstorms going on nonstop? No. It just lets them be… So… Why do I feel so frustrated and annoyed when my mind keeps populating

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Noticing a lot of pain body during this month (October), I noticed it has always been this month that I’m always in bad mood… arguments or breakups. Now I realized, it came from a lot of pain in my body. Maybe it is related to the change of weather. I do not know. I now

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Lately, I didn’t have good sleep many nights. I woke up tired most of the days. I noticed that either my mind was going all over the places, or my body was not at peace… I would try to meditate and then some tightness started to happen around my head, my throat, my ears… then

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Finding my root

During these past years, my life has been moving in a very fast speed… And I got to experience a lot within a short period of time. Health comes and goes… One day, your health turned to be your first priority in your life. Stability comes and goes… One day, you have a house.. One

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When people see some things as beautiful, other things become ugly. When people see some things as good, other things become bad. Being and non-being create each other. Long and short define each other. High and low depend on each other. Before and after follow each other. Therefore the Master acts without doing anything and

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You are not alone

A few months ago, I was living by myself at the lake house that I rented for a few months. My mom asked me if I felt lonely. My answer to her was that I never felt lonely… I had all these beautiful lively lake, the sun, the moon, birds, flowers, and trees all around

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Life is too short

This life that we live in for 60, 70, or 80 years is too short to live in it unconsciously. Living unconsciously is living day by day and just reacting (being happy or unhappy) based on the circumstances. Living consciously is living with knowing that all things are impermanent. This body, this mind, all the

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Life is like waves. Emotion is like waves. People are like waves. It has all up, down, calm, good, bad, and stable. Understanding that it is how it is: When it goes up or good, don’t get too excited knowing that there will be a time it will go down… When it goes down or

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Fears and worries

i remember myself always being worried from a small thing to (what I used to think) “very big things” (life, career, future, achievement, etc.)…. All those worries come with fears that stop me not to push myself to follow my gut and passion… I just followed what the norm was. From that I limited myself

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Knowing me

Living on the move, things change drastically everyday… In regards to my surroundings and experiences… However, I now stay more focused on the state of my consciousness and what I feel at the now… Then, things that used to make me feel amazed or excited are not that exciting anymore… Just because I have realized

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Let it go

During the long drive from Brevard NC to Sand Dunes National Park in Co, I had a lot of time by myself… listening to The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle again… (I think for more than 10th-is times already.) I also listened to other podcasts of his teaching. During the drive and out of

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Be yourself

Many times I heard people advise the other… “Just be yourself.” After diving more deeply inward, that advice seems to be pretty pointless to me. If one doesn’t know oneself…. How can him or her act like him or herself? Knowing oneself needs to come first before we can really be ourselves. Who am I?

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Living like Tsali

He doesn’t know what is going to happen tomorrow… if it is going to be hot or cold… where he is going to be taken to… And if it is going to be a fun or boring day. He is just living his life… being content and as happy as he can be at every

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