Life goes by fast

Life goes by fast, don’t forget to catch every present moment when you realize.

Two weeks ago, we took Tsali to see a vet to check on his back legs. They seem to be weak and he has been tripping a lot. We knew that he is now 11 years old. He is an old dog. But we wanted to make sure it is not just his old age and it might be something we could do to make him more comfortable.

The vet told us that he might have prostate cancer due to his breed and the symptoms. The x-ray also shows that he already had arthritis.

We knew that we already had exceeded our expectations of his life expectancy. We are fortunate to be still able to spend time with him.

With him… and every day… He is a great reminder for me to not get lost in the doing (at work, daily life, …) but every day take a small simple moment to be in my presence. I’m still very lucky that he is still around to remind me to take him for a walk every day. Even sometimes, my mind tells me that I don’t have a time to do that… but he reminds me that nothing else is as important as the time I have with him. So I always take a small moment each day to take him for a quiet walk each day. Thank you so much Tsali… Mommy loves you very very much.

My mind has never stopped telling me that I had no time to be in the present… and has never stopped telling me that I still have to “Do” more and “Make” more to be happier.

I’m here to be the witness that that fact of the mind is always true. No matter what situation I have been in… it always says the same nonsense thing. But I just have to be conscious enough not to get lost with it.

It’s not the “more” that I realize that I should focus on… but it is being in the present in all of the situations I’m in… at work, being with Tsali, being with family/loved ones… The quality of what I’m doing is more important than how much more I can strive to get done just to get it done.

And more than that… realizing to appreciate every single moment that life has taken you to. My life has changed so much and I’m now exactly where I thought I should be to be happy… If this is not it… It is not the situation that makes me unhappy… but the conditioning of my mind that never gets enough.

Crested Butte CO

Grandlake CO

Snodgrass Trail

Winter Park CO