The joy of not knowing

Let me start with the “knowing kind of life” that I know…

Make sure you have a good family, good pay check, be better than others, and having good health…

I thought if I had all of thought would make me joyful or happy… I thought that having all those I would have achieved all in this world.

Then comes the big “BUT”…

Saying those, I thought that I knew what this world was all about… BUT… I really had no clue…

Is there such “things” that I can say that I can achieve in this world?

From my experience so far, to say that is so much of ignorance of pretending to know this world. And more than that… This life.

This world and life is full of experience. It is undescribable in this kind of word forms. To put all the things I thought that it would make me happy in those forms is such a limitation.

Can we say that there is only one shade of red? Then darker or lighter shade of red is not red?

Can we say that happiness or joyful can only happens by a curtain type of situation? Hmmm…

Does living alone bad? Does living with no permanent address bad? Does going though some difficulty in any particular time bad?

I’m only saying from what I’m experiencing…

Ironically, life has giving me all types of situations that my previous me would have thought that it is bad…. Again… Ironically, I feel more alive, joyful, and loved.

Life has tought me to accept the face that in this life… I will never know enough. The fact that currently I can go with what life has taken me to and learn from it and to find joy out of it is a valuable lesson.

Learn to accept and enjoy not knowing in this life… Then for me… I learn that I’m more alive! ❤️

A giant ban of sheep coming down from the mountain in the morning
A happy dog who got his run in the morning.