My yin and yang

If you want to become whole, let yourself be partial.

If you want to become straight, let yourself be crooked.

If you want to become full, let yourself be empty.

If you want to be reborn, let yourself die.

If you want to be given everything, give everything up.

tao te ching #22

i reflect…

If I want to know true love, I have to go through selfishness and fear. Then I know what the true love lacks of.

If I want to know peace, I need to go through turmoil. Then I know peace can happen even through all the turmoil. Life have shown me that there is never a lack of turmoil or challenges. If I want peace, it is possible though any turmoil. Peace and turmoil can be together. It is not the lack of each other.

If I want to know friendship and partnership, I need to know how to live alone peacefully. If that so, then friendship and partnership is extraordinary and very special.

If I want to be fearless, I need to let go of my ego… and realize that there is no me. But all is one. If nothing can hurt me, then what I have to be fearful for? Nothing… Explore life, live fully, and not have to be afraid to die (when the time comes).

If I want to have everything, I need to let everything goes… All of the comparison, and expectation. Because with those, I would never feel like I have enough.

If I want to let go more and more, I need to have enough experience and know enough of the fact of living in this world… Going through the pattern of the difficulty and challenges in this world and noticing this never ending pattern and realizing that…

If I have tried my best with what I have in that situation, there is no good to be worried, fearful, angry if things don’t go as what I hope it to be… Let it goes.

Do the work, and forget it .. that is why it lasts forever…