True Joy

Stripping all the familiarity, normal comfort, and whatever the norm follows, I realized that the joy I find is a much deeper joy.

i thought that the living comfort, having perfect family life, and material prosperity could give me the joy and happiness. Yes, it may… But when all those being stripped away, does it mean that the joy will be taken away too? And if it is going away, how true is it?

I found that the joy I have when I don’t have any of those is so much deeper and more meaningful. The joy that I have just to be able to wake up in the morning… Smelling the air… Having a warm up of coffee… Those basic things are so joyful.

More specially, when I can share the time with others… and seeing the joy in them… There is so much joy I found in me. I think this maybe what all spiritual teachers are all talking about.

The true joy is when you realize that all is one. And that is true love and true joy.

No matter what in this world is being stripped away from me, I still know that I’m also a part of the “one”… I never be alone… And the joy always will be in me…

Imagining if we can find the joy from being in this “what the world says” having nothing, how special it will be when the world gives us all those normal things in life… Would we be more appreciative to those things the world offers? We should, shouldn’t we? Most of us are missing being appreciative to what the world already offers. I know I was.

At this moment, I can sense and feel that this joy I have is love… And my heart is so full. ❤️