Being internally aligned

I remembered when I came to Pescadero and Moss beach last time, my mind was wondering and worrying about being alone, lonely, and being by myself.

Now, the season of those worries has passed… But my mind is now focusing the stressfulness of my job world.

They said that life will give you what you need to learn what that’s NOT matter. Well, that is how I think I have learned it through this journey. Stop the worry and learn to accept it and then you can enjoy it.

If next time I come here.. I don’t have the worry about being alone, or work… I’m sure the mind will be able to come up with something else again.

Listening to Eckhart this morning, he reminded me again… How long do you want to fight life?.. Trying to complain or changing things externally will not make you happier. So why don’t accept it…

I have listening to the same material over and over but each time… It will remind me again and again of my mind habits.

If I can just accept fully of what the work/job is. The same as what I have accepted and enjoyed living by myself.. Don’t fight with it over how or what it supposed to be in the way that the mind preferred… I can just stop my mind from creating this repetitive thoughts and start to focus on the now… what that in front of me in every now moment… So I don’t miss to live life fully internally and externally.