Being rooted

This few months, life has been throwing all kinds of challenges at me… a few random things from different directions…

I realized that because of my previous challenge 7 years ago with my cancer, going through all the challenges now is more do-able… It is definitely still very difficult and emotional… But since then, I have found peace in me to help me to go through all these.

I learned that the circumstances around me will always be unpredictable… And how things can be outside of my control …even… the timeline of my own life in this world… I really have no control…

The only thing I can do is to accept what life has brought me to, and to continue to be me. “Me” that is stable… “Me” that decides to be a good person… and not to let the emotion or the thoughts that is not me drive me into a reactive person…

i learned the simple fact. It is the fact that is always true.

We all will die.

So dying is not a problem… It will be a problem if we are dying without realizing the fact that we should be the person we want to be before dying.

If I do all the best I can, be the best I can, and live life the best I can, then I have nothing to be worried, upset, nor sad about when the time comes.

Going through this period of time with the 2 amazing dogs (Tsali, and Cooper) helped me to realize that everything is fine.

They do live their lives fully every single day… Never complained of how short life they have… Their smiley faces remind me to smile… They remind me that everything will be ok… There is no up nor down if you don’t think of the up, the down… It is just what life is…

I have been spending many afternoon sitting here by this pond… Seeing the beauty of nature reminds me that I’m also a part of it… I’m also the nature… The nature will take care of it self… Just trust… And go along with the ride… Up or down… Alive or death… Do they matter?

No… As long as I know I’m a part of this much bigger picture.. everything will take care of itself. It all will be ok.. and always is.