Truly rich

When will you realize that you have enough?

Maybe, you have to go to the path of searching… searching for “things” that you think it will make you happy…

Until you have tried them all and got all that you thought you need to make you happy… you may have realized that all those “things” really don’t make you happier…

Then… you will look more closely within you.

When you look more closely within you… You may realize that you have always had enough all those times… and all the time… here and now…

Nothing from the outside will make you feel that you have enough…

The path of searching, realizing, and suffering is not worthless but valuable and necessary… You have to experience it to proof to yourself that nothing in this external world can fulfill you… The suffering will awake you from all of the false belief… Until you noticed that truth, you will look, … Until you look, you will find.

Find that you are nothing of its own… You are just a little tiny spec of this reality but you are a part of it all.

What happens when you know that you already have enough?

You enjoy life…

You enjoy whatever and wherever life is taking you…

You do good work… because you enjoy the doing… but not because of you are trying to achieve anything anymore.

You expand… and enjoy all the experiences around you.

Everyday in your life is full of gratitude and thankfulness… no matter where you are on this wave that is called life…

No, you still don’t have super hero power to only feel positive feelings but not negative feelings… you still feel them all… but you learn to not to attach to any of those too heavily… those have less power to pull you to its path… You stay more centered… You start to see… and realize who you truly are… be the witness…
