Live the life the way I want it to be… starting from this moment

Starting to work this morning, I noticed that normal urge and anxiety I usually have trying to get things done out of the batch… Noticing that urge of pressure and stress right away…

Then I realized that I have always been this way… No matter what the tasks I have at hands… Then I realized that the number of tasks and its urgency will always be this way no matter what job I have… nor where I work for… So… Am I ok being this way every time before starting the day?

Then I realized the answer…

No… I do not want to be this way. I knew that I want to be at peace and happy all the time… If so, do I have to wait on the circumstances to change? If so, if the circumstances will not change… and potentially, it won’t… Do I want to feel like this all the time in my work life?

Then I noticed… Not only with personal life that I want to be at peace at all time… but also… I want to be at peace with my work life at all time…

Work will always be challenging… If it is not, I might not even enjoy it… Therefore, challenging is good… I just have to learn how to do the challenging job with peace… because that is what I want the most in life. Peace…

So why don’t I start to do that from now… Live the life that I want it to be starting from now… Learn to notice what came up in my mind… noticing that… It helps me to realize how uselessness of those emotions… I can do challenging work with peace… Stop going against the number of interruptions, issues, tickets, nuisance. Stop complaining even just in my head… They all are parts of challenging job… And I don’t have to have a hard time working with challenging jobs.

I can have peace. I can have gratitude feeling with me at all time. I want to do a quality work, and I want to also enjoy it without doing it as a means to an end… without thinking of any of them as an obstacle.

Therefore, starting doing it from now….