
Noticing a lot of pain body during this month (October), I noticed it has always been this month that I’m always in bad mood… arguments or breakups.

Now I realized, it came from a lot of pain in my body. Maybe it is related to the change of weather. I do not know.

I now do know that the pain body is related to my compulsive thinking, which most of the time cause me to be unhappy.

After I have removed all of (what one may say) “distractions”; no one to argue with, no other people that I have to be concerned of what they may think of me… I’m living with just me, I realized this pain body in me.

With the state of mind in previous years, it would be very hard (if not impossible) for me to realize this without removing myself from all this “distractions”.

Being able to live and be on my own, I got a glimpse of who I am and all those things that are no longer defining me.

With that, I realized that I find a lot more joy being or doing things that my old mind would have never thought that it was possible.

Heaven is truly a state of no-mind. Peeling of all layers that are not me, I found the deeper me. No mind but full of potential and possibilities.

It is important to find your true self before (if it happens) adding things up to your life.

"... but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for on the day you eat from it, you will certainly die.” - Bible