Life is too short

This life that we live in for 60, 70, or 80 years is too short to live in it unconsciously.

Living unconsciously is living day by day and just reacting (being happy or unhappy) based on the circumstances.

Living consciously is living with knowing that all things are impermanent. This body, this mind, all the love ones, all the belongings, all the number of likes or dislikes on social media, all the people we want to get their approval from, are all transient. At one point in time, let’s say the next 60 years, where are all those? Gone… No one will even be here to remember all those.

So what are we doing based on this knowing? So what we are trying to achieve in this so call life based in the time period we have on this world. Why are we so worried for the future that soon enough it won’t really matter for anyone?

What are we doing here? What for? Is this negative thinking? Or is this something that we should pay more attention on and really find out about?

For me, this is not negative thinking but living life consciously. Our life span is too short to not living in it consciously.