Fears and worries

i remember myself always being worried from a small thing to (what I used to think) “very big things” (life, career, future, achievement, etc.)….

All those worries come with fears that stop me not to push myself to follow my gut and passion… I just followed what the norm was.

From that I limited myself from all the possibilities life has to offer… It is so ironic when I let go of everything (attachments, what other may think of me, my worries and fears), things just fall into its places perfectly than what I could have done by myself.

Letting fears and worries go is not easy… You can’t force it… All I know is that when I found my true self .. that I’m nothing. No conceptualization, thoughts can define me… I’m not the thoughts in me… The thoughts that drive me crazy, worried, and fearful. Let all the concepts, thoughts, and any cringing go… Then… I found my true self… then fears and worries just evaporate. Not saying that I don’t have those anymore… But I noticed that it is much less than it used to be.

Love and grace grow in me more and more…