Knowing me

Living on the move, things change drastically everyday… In regards to my surroundings and experiences…

However, I now stay more focused on the state of my consciousness and what I feel at the now… Then, things that used to make me feel amazed or excited are not that exciting anymore…

Just because I have realized that all “things” that I see are not permanent… They will come and go… Then I will most of the time not nearly remember them…

But the state of my consciousness or my mind will always be with me… Nothing will change that. Paying attention to all things and noticing that I’m being conscious makes a big difference. I’m always being here and now.

It may sound negative but the peacefulness that I feel is so much more precious than being happy at some moments and being unhappy the next. The peacefulness is real, stable, and unchanged…. It comes with a realization that things are not permanent… We are not “things”….

Accepting it whole heatedly making life so much exciting and fulfilling… Fear nothing.

Knowing me is more than knowing “about me” (about my past, my future, my personality)… But knowing that what I’m sensing, feeling at every moment… knowing that all those are not me but I’m the one that sensing and feeling all those… Then I notice deeper me that noticing and aware of those that are not me…

Then I know me…