I’m responsible for my own happiness and I choose to be peaceful and happy

Growing up in my family, I remembered asking my mom why she could not be happy with a lot of things she had while focusing on things she couldn’t control/had… Now as a grown up, I realized that I was being exactly the way my mom was.

We all get trapped to think that we are the center of the universe and everything needs to go our way to make us a happy person… because of that I realized why I was always being unhappy for many years without knowing that I was doing it.

Now I realize that I am not the center of the universe nor that everything has to follow my way. I was unhappy because I expected things to fall into what I want it to be to make me happy… is that the only way I can be happy? And if that is so, I think I will never be happy or at peace for most of the time for the rest of my life.

There should be a better way…

And there is…just… Follow the flow… and let it be…

Don’t resist anything… and I am not the center of the universe…. It is what it is…

Then life becomes so peaceful… Especially, if you love anything… let them be… And if you are okay with whatever it is … and whatever path they choose.. whether they choose be with you or not.. then… That is true love…. If not, go back and search yourself from within, before asking anyone to change anything for you…

Book I’m currently reading/listening: Inner Engineering By Sadhguru

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