Winnebego Travato Sewer Drainage Leaking

I have been very cautious to not trying to turn on everything all at once. My plan was to learn how each thing worked and to feel more comfortable to deal with it one at a time.

Therefore, I had never used the toilet and sink inside the van. I only ran some small testing to see if the water system worked in the van by running the water pump and let the faucet and shower in the bathroom ran for a bit. Also I flushed the toilet for a few times to see if it worked. Because of doing so, just a few days before my planned date to get on the road full time, I noticed some of water dripping coming down from a black water tank drainage beneath the van.

From looking at the rubber wrapping around the pipe, I didn’t think this was something that I could fix by myself. Again, trying to contact any RV repair shops had always been a challenge. Therefore, I contacted my good friend who is a plumber to take a look at it for me.

It should be just an easy fix to replace the rubber joint around the pipe… but the hardest part is to put the metal plate that holds the drainage system to the van on the driver site of the van back to its original place.

Thank you, Ken for your help on this. It is great to be able to see the skeleton side of my van to see how things work!

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